Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day to ME!!!

Daddy asked Connor if they should get Mommy some flowers for Mother's Day. Connor said, "umm.. ya probably roses!!" Daddy said lets just get some flowers. Connor insisted that mommy would like these roses. I feel so special! What a sweet little boy!
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Daddy and Son Campout!

This weekend Jaron and Connor went on the Father son campout that our ward goes on every year. They had a blast!! They had beautiful weather!


They launched bottle rockets!!!

Connor is such a boy!! I am sure Daddy took this picture just for me :)

They went on a hike over a mile long, Connor did the whole thing by himself. He would not let Daddy help!

They even found a little frog. How cute!
They cant wait to go next year!! I told them to take Lilian next time, sometime this year. Makenzie and mommy will stay home :) Babies are not fun camping, we know from experience.  
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