Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lilian Graduates from Head Start

Lilian graduated from Head Start this week. Lilian attended Head Start this past year every Tuesday thru Friday from 12-4. She got on the bus at 11:15 daily and got off the bus at 4:20 daily. Some days were very long and tiring for her. But most days she just LOVED it! She grew so much this past year. Lilian knows her letters and their sounds, she can count and write her first and last name. Lilian loves learning and creating. She loves to work on projects using her imagination. Her favorite thing to do is make books. I am so proud of Lilian. She is sad to leave Teacher Carly, who she just adored. We are hoping that she gets a wonderful teacher for Kindergarten.


Proud Brother who went every day to put Lilian on the bus. Rain or shine, we were out there!

Teacher Carly giving Lilian her certificate at her End of the Year Celebration.
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