Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Eating Toes

Makenzie loves to eat her toes. Especially during diaper changes. She grabs her legs and sticks her toes in her mouth. This time she started sucking on her toes. It was so cute!

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Almost 2 weeks ago, Lilian graduated from Head Start. So for almost 2 weeks I have had three very needy kids at home all day long... About a week into summer break I almost lost it. Makenzie had a temperature of 102.8, so she was extremely miserable, day and night. Lilian LOVES to do arts and crafts and create. Which is great, however, when she is done, my house looks all upside down. She is great at cleaning up when threatened , but awful at picking up her messes as she makes them. So on top of everyday chores; such as: laundry, dishwasher, meals, etc.. there is constantly paper clipping on the ground, crayons and markers everywhere, toy cars spread out, dress ups out, you name it, it needs to be put away. Connor is great at entertaining himself. He is also very smart and funny. But he is also great at whining, peeing all over the bathroom floor, and waking up at 5am. So put my three wonderful children together and you get a very EXHAUSTED mommy! I was so done one night. Jaron was at scouts, and was gone helping a friend move the night before. I felt like an awful mommy. For the first time after having Makenzie, I felt depressed. I wanted to get out of this funk, but for the moment, I just needed to go to sleep and be left alone. The day that followed was better. I spoke with a great friend who I confide in and who is an excellent listener. My visiting teacher also came over and shared some wonderful advice with me. I told her that Heavenly Father knew I needed her to watch over me. She is so good at listening and has great advice. When she left my home, I felt renewed and ready to face being a mommy again. I knew the day to day trials would not change, but my attitude had changed. Instead of "hammering granite to make money, I was building the house of the Lord"(analogy from a YW lesson I taught). I tried hard to not stress about having a perfect home, but enjoy spending time with my children. They really will not remember our clean house, but they will remember how they were treated. I know I will have hard days. But hopefully I wont have two hard days. I need to find the balance of spending time with the kids, but also time for myself, with my husband, with my Heavenly Father and for my Home. I am learning that it is OK to say  no to my kids when they bug for me to do something when it is not the right time.  So here I am, Exhausted, but in good spirits and loving the time I have with my family.