Monday, February 4, 2013

Lost Sunglasses

Last Thursday, 1/31/13 as Lilian was flushing the toilet, she jumped up to pull up her pants and her sunglasses fell into the toilet! She reached in to grab them, but they made there way down the toilet. She was so brave and told me what had happened. Luckily I married a man who has many talents!! Together Lilian and Jaron were able to save our toilet and her sunglasses!

Oh by the way, her hair is wet because she just took a shower. It is not from the toilet water!  
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Boys will be boys

Last Thursday, 1/31/13 my kids went out and enjoyed the first warm day in a LONG time. We have had freezing temperatures for most of January. This day was enjoyed!!!

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Habits of Health

What are your habits of health? Jaron and I have been reading a wonderful book about Healthy Habits of Health. Jaron teaches classes every Tuesday about living a healthy life. One way we eat healthy in our home is by eating green smoothies. Our kids even love them! Big things to watch out for when you make these is the sugar content in the yogurt and the sugar content in the juice. We mix frozen berries with yogurt, spinach and a little liquid together to make a delicious healthy meal/snack!!

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Trip to Eastern Idaho

Jaron had a continuing ED class in Idaho Falls, ID this past weekend. We stayed with Jarons sister Camille in Shelley, ID. The kids loved playing with there cousins. Our kids are each only about 9 months apart. On Sunday we made a trip up to Rexburg before coming home. It was so much fun showing the kids were we met and lived. We also showed Lilian where she was born. The temple was being built when we left Rexburg 6 years ago so it was fun to go see it finished. Rexburg has changed so much since we left. So much growth. We were impressed by all of the new builidings. 
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