Makenzie has been such a joy in our lives. It is hard to believe that she has only been here for a year. At the same time, I am so sad that my baby is all ready a year! She is such a sweet little girl. Full of life and wonder. She learns so much from her big brother and sister. We enjoyed her birthday with family and friends. The night before we had spaghetti. Makenzie LOVED it. On her birhtday, we woke up and opened our present sent from Grandma Doyle. We loved the new outfits so we took a fun photo shoot!
Here are the best photos I got of her. I had a blast capturing the cuteness of this little one year old!
For lunch we met our friends Elli and Jessica at Mcdonalds. The kids loved playing! Later we made Halloween cookies and played outside. Makenzie LOVES the swing set. Jarons parents made it for a light dinner. Then we had the rest of Jarons family and our friends the Sebastians over to celebrate. We enjoyed the night with Carmel Apples and presents. The cousins played outside on our new swing set.