Monday, August 20, 2012

Caldwell Night Rodeo

On August 14, 2012 our family spent the night at the Caldwell Rodeo! It was an awesome night. We started the night off with some yummy food. We supported the Rotary Club and bought some pulled pork and nachos. Connor really went to town on the Nachos!


It was a really HOT night! 

They YMCA had a fun kid roundup activity before the Rodeo. 

I thought Connor's face was hilarious in this picture!

Lilian is getting sick of me dressing her up and taking cute pictures. It was a fight for me to do her hair cute. This was her look when I told her to smile cute! What a stink!

Look closely at Makenzie's feet. Do you see those sores? This is the healing stage of what we found out is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease. Connor, Lilian and Makenzie all got the disease. Poor babes. We picked it up from a family from church... We had it unknowingly and unfortunately continued to spread it! Sorry Ellie!!

The kids enjoyed the little train ride.

We thought the kids were going to enjoy the Rodeo more, but they didnt! They were more interested in the food being sold. Maybe next year!
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Enjoying Summer in Caldwell, Idaho

August 13, 2012 was exactly one month since we moved into our new home in Caldwell. We spent the day outside enjoying the cooler temperatures. July was so hot here in Idaho. Our family has been so busy settling in that I really enjoyed this day outside. We had a picnic lunch, played in the pool and had a blast!

Lilian turns 6 next month! She is nervous, but excited to start Kindergarten next Tuesday. She has dearly missed her friends and preschool teacher from Grants Pass. I am anxious for her to start in hopes that she makes some new friends. She is my social bug!

Connor will be 4 in October. He cant wait to have his birthday. I started a co-op with two other great moms here in Caldwell for the upcoming school year. Connor is excited to have a preschool with his new friends. Lately Connor is full of questions. He questions everything. He wants to know they why, and hows, when and where of everything. Today he asked if I lived in Heaven with Heavenly Father when I was a baby like he did!!

I think my three small children have outgrown our small pool.

My two sweet girls!

Makenzie is 10 months!! When we moved here Makenzie had no teeth. Now she has six!! She has her top four and her bottom two. 
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Harvest time for the Lettuce!

We started our small garden in Grants Pass. We planted two tomato plants, a pumpkin seed, watermelon seed, herbs, peas and a bunch of lettuce. We moved all of them! The only plant that didn't make it were our peas. Once we transplanted them into our little garden area at our new home they grew like crazy!! I wish we were here earlier to do much more. Last Friday we harvested our lettuce. The kids loved working in the garden.

Connor loves to go out and eat the lettuce, herbs and tomatoes.

Lily loves that the pumpkin is getting so big!! Her poor watermelon has died.

Makenzie watched her brother and sister pick the lettuce.

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