Monday, June 4, 2012

She's Moving!!!

Makenzie started getting on all four's about two weeks ago. Right before Memorial Day weekend. It was  so cute watching her get up on her knees and rock back and forth. About five days ago, Makenzie started figuring out that she can lunge herself forward once she is in the crawling position. She also figured out how to do the army crawl. She is able to move around quite well. She moves in a circle, rolls and scoots around. It is so fun to watch her get around. She is also great at going from a sitting position into a crawling position.

About a week ago, Makenzie started sucking on my little finger quite well. I figured I would give the pacifier another try. She has been unable to suck it since we brought her home from the hospital. Crazy enough she took right to the pacifier and sucked it for quite a while. Jaron and I were shocked. Lilian was excited, Connor wanted to take it right out of her mouth. She takes it now at night time. When I get her in the mornings, she will be sucking on it. She does great at putting it in her mouth all by herself. I am glad she takes one. It is always nice to put something in there mouth when they need comforting. It is just a pain to break them from it. Connor turned into a monster when we took his away...