Saturday, September 22, 2012

Our new addition!

We have been wanting to get something for the backyard. With everyone's birthday's coming up, I was hoping to get something to celebrate. On Tuesday afternoon I saw this Rainbow Swing Set for only $150!! I was so excited! It needs the rope replaced, a swing replaced and refinished. But over all the wood is in great shape.

It took Jaron and his dad 2.5 hours to take it apart and bring it home Friday night. Then it took us about 3hours to put it together and tighten all the bolts Saturday morning. 

We are so excited for our new addition! The kids have been out all afternoon playing! 

I think Jaron and I have a monkey on our hands! Makenzie is only 11 months and she has to climb up everything! 

She is looking out the window trying to talk to Connor and Lilian outside. She is a jabber box lately! 
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