Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Celebrating 4 yrs of marriage

On June 25, 2009 Jaron and I celebrated our four years of marriage. Every year we do something fun to remember. Year one, I was sick and pregnant, so just getting out and going out to dinner was exciting for us. Year two, we went to Half Moon Bay, spent the day on the beach, stayed at a hotel, shopped, ate out and spent day #2 in San Francisco doing all of the touristy stuff. What a blast! Year three, I was pregnant for the second time around. But we did go to Darien Lake and had a lot of fun. I waited in line with Lily while Jaron enjoyed all of the roller coasters. And I enjoyed Jaron experiencing Darien Lake for the first time. I liked him experiencing a childhood memory of mine. So for year four, we went camping! We really enjoyed this camping trip. It was Connors first time camping, he did really well. The only thing we would of changed was the rain! It rained most of the time, but it actually was really nice to just hang out in the tent. How many times in your life do you have the chance to play all day and night with your family in a tent?! We hiked the gorge and enjoyed yummy food! We all came home exhausted and wet, hopefully when we go camping next month, we will have dryer weather!

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Lindsey you stinker, you didn't tell me you had a blog!?!!!! Happy Anniversary and I will be keeping up with your life now!