Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Darien Lake

On June 18,2010 We went to Darien Lake. I remember going here as a kid every year. My parents would get tickets through my dads work and we would come the first week of July. We would camp and have a blast! When we first moved out to New York, Jaron and I went with little Lily. I was pregnant so was really limited with what I could do. Jaron and I would wait in line together with Lily, and then I would wait with Lily while he rode the ride. So this year I was pretty excited to go as a family, not pregnant and with two little kids. We also had a lot of help with the kids since eight people from my side of the family went with us. Connor was really hesitant about the rides, but got the hang of it. He did super well with no nap all day and having to stay in the stroller for the majority of the day. He did take a little nap on Jaron while on the lazy river. Lily had a blast. She said that she wants to do it again. The only one she didnt like was the kiddie roller coaster. I loved it when I was younger. Grandma Doyle said she was terrified the whole time! She was so good about waiting with Grandma and Grandpa while mommy and daddy did some big rides. Over all, it was such a nice stress free day. The lines were super short, and the weather was gorgeous. It was so nice spending a day with family.

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