Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas Tree 2010

The views were breath taking at the top of the mountains!

Daddy in charge of Connor and the saw!

Our princess Lilian! She is beautiful.

The kids are best friends!

This picture makes me laugh! This is the tree I liked, Jaron measures it to see if it is too big. I guess it was just a little to big ;)

We almost gave up finding a tree. Jaron was determined! He hiked down the mountain side by himself. 15 minutes later, this is what he brought back! Daddy saves the day!

My angels in front of our very big Christmas Tree!
This year we went up to the mountains to cut down our own tree. The tree tag was $5. We were excited to save money and get an awesome tree! Well... I think we spent more in gas then a tree would of cost at the store. We left our house around 8:45 and got home at 1:45!! And almost drove off the mountain side twice! We were not prepared for the unpaved roads up in the mountains. However, it was a fun experience and Jaron cut down an awesome tree! What do you think!?

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