Monday, June 25, 2012


Saturday 6/23/12 I woke up and took the three kids by myself to the farmers marker. I had one goal: Get strawberries. When I was packing our pantry to move, I noticed that we were down to our last few jars of Jam. I knew if I wanted strawberry jam for the next year, I needed to get my butt in gear and get it done before the move in 2.5 weeks! So off I went for yummy Oregon berries.  The kids did great! I put Makenzie in the sling and put a monkey backpack leash on Connor (just really for my comfort, he knows to stay close). I came home with these yummy fresh berries, some snap peas and yummy cherries! FUN! 

A little while after I started Jaron came home from his scout camp. And just at the right time. Makenzie started crying and I can not hold her and make strawberry jam. I am not super women, not yet at least :) Jaron helped me, and I loved it! I love working as a team with Jaron. We work really well together. 

Here is the finished product. 

After the strawberry jam, we went out to our neighbors home and picked sour cherries! For free, a much better price tag then the strawberries. Jaron pitted them. Did you know that a great way to pit cherries is with a paper clip? It works great! 

Sunday afternoon I made a Cherry Crisp. We shared it with our neighbors outside! It was so fun! My kids are going to dearly miss their best friends next door. The crisp was DELICIOUS! 

Jaron also dryed these pineapple today. Last week I snagged some Pineapple for a $1 at Fred Myer! I got a rein check so I can pick up even more at a later date! These are so yummy to much on. Jaron also did some fruit leather with our frozen fruit. Trying to clear out our freezer before the move. 

We also made a few jars of Sour Cherry Jam! It is so good! 

We feel so accomplished and excited about our yummy jam we get to take with us to Idaho!
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